Atlantic Warriors Classes


Wing Chun training classes are offered Online & In person

Wing Chun Kung Fu: This is the premier venue in North Florida for training in the authentic Wing Chun Kung Fu handed down from Yip Man's first Hong Kong student, Leung Sheung. Providing the highest-quality instruction of Wing Chun Kung Fu in the North Florida area, the focus of this school is on quality, not quantity. As such, this class is limited to 12 students that are accepted into the Atlantic Warriors In-Person Location.


Monday at 7:00PM Live Streaming Online

Wednesday at 7:00PM Live Streaming Online

Saturday at 1:00PM In-Person in Jacksonville, Florida

Saturday at 2:00PM Advanced Students Only. In-Person in Jacksonville, Florida


A brief description of the how Atlantic Warriors trains Wing Chun Kung Fu. At Atlantic Warriors, students learn both the external and internal areas of Wing Chun. This method provides a holistic approach, and produces a more well-rounded practitioner of the art and system of Wing Chun.




Private Lessons only
(in-person & online)

The Philippine Combatives style of Martial Arts is consists of both weapons and hands training. Its style is based on the different systems of arnis, kali, escrima, mano-mano, and arnis de mano, all combined to help you better understand the wonderful world of Filipino Martial Arts (FMA). 

Philippine Combatives will work with any style of martial arts. It is guaranteed to bring out the best in you and strengthen your understanding of the Filipino arts. The Philippine Combatives is an expression and interpretation of one of the deadliest, most practical fighting systems in today’s world… Philippine Martial Arts!

Private Lessons only
(in-person & online)

Defensive Knife Tactics is an edged-weapon system specifically designed to meet the needs of today’s concerned citizen and armed professional. Based on Michael Janich’s extensive analysis of the Filipino martial arts and many other systems, Martial Blade Concepts/Counter Blade Concepts takes combat-proven tactics and adapts them to modern tools, threats, and legal concerns. The result is a practical, easy-to-learn system that is ideally suited to modern self-defense.

Like all real self-defense, MBC/CBC tactics focus on “stopping power”—the ability to immediately and decisively stop an assailant from continuing his attack. To this end, MBC emphasizes an in-depth understanding of human physiology and the most effective methods of targeting key structures with small, legal-to-carry knives. Sometimes called “biomechanical targeting,” this approach has been thoroughly reviewed and validated by leading experts in the field of tactical medicine.

Mon & Wed 7:00pm
(live streaming online)

Qigong can be described as a mind-body-spirit practice that improves one's mental and physical health by integrating posture, movement, breathing technique, and focused intent. There are likely thousands of qigong styles, schools, traditions, forms, and lineages, each with practical applications and different theories about Qi (“subtle breath” or “vital energy”) and Gong (“skill cultivated through steady practice”). Qigong is a general term used to describe a wide variety of training paths, which all have intrinsic benefits, but differ in areas of focus, intention, and methodology.